Bayleigh | The Varsity Elite | Thornton Academy | Maine Senior Pictures
“I had soo much fun during my session. I was a little nervous to get in front of the camera, but Melissa was extremely helpful and made me feel so comfortable. I felt amazing with my hair and makeup done, but I had no idea how great my pictures would actually come out. I got a few outfit changes and worked outside as well as inside. Although it was a little bit chilly, I wouldn’t have changed a thing about my session! If I could do a session with Melissa everyday, I would. I was beyond satisfied at the revealing of the photos, they came out better than I could have ever expected. I’m so thankful I decided to do my senior photos with Varsity & Co, I don’t think I could have been happier about my session and my photos!”
Have Been: Cheerleading for 10 years.
Favorite Color: Purple
Taste in Music: Rap. Hip-Hop. Country. Indie. 90’s rock.
Loves: To Read.
Wants to be: An FBI Agent (seriously, how cool is this?!)

Melissa Beck is the professional Senior High School Portrait Photographer behind Varsity & Co. who has been featured on several blogs and online publications.
Varsity & Co. is a High School Senior Portrait Photography Studio specializing in Modern Senior Portraits in Maine, New England, Kennebunk, Portland, Freeport, Falmouth, Yarmouth, Cape Elizabeth, Denver, Brighton and Colorado.
Contact Varstiy & Co. to be your Maine and Colorado Senior Portrait Photographer today.